Highlights of the 12th issue. 冬季到云南来看鸟

来源: 云南旅游文化时报 | 时间:2016-12-27


FOCUS | 焦点

Winter bird watching in Yunnan


Three of the global bird migrating routes pass through China, of which the central-Asia and west-Asia flyways pass over Yunnan. These birds sometimes shun away from people for a quietwinterization, or collectively fly above the pass as if performing a mystifying chirping rite. Yet more often than not, they display a benign and playful sceneof frolicking with people in places like Haigeng Dike of Kunming or by the Puzhehei wetland.


Village | 村寨

High pole lion dance of Xinglong Village


Heading South from Shuifu County, Zhaotong City, through the verdant foliage and misty clouds, blooming camellia fades in sight subduing the morning chill in the valley. Moving further towards Yibin City, to reach Xinglong in yanjin county of Zhaotong, the birthplace of the high pole lion dance that dwells deep inside tens of thousands of acres of camellia bushes.


Huangning pottery on the change

汪大为:第28 代制陶传人

The auction of 2016 China Huaning Citrus Tourism and Culture Festival was organized by Wang Dawei, 28th generation inheritor of the family tradition of pottery craft and founder of the Ningtaofang Pottery Workshop. It was held in a county but was hailed as one at the national level. As the initiator, Wang hopes to promote the industrial development of Huaning Pottery by wider popularization of its branding and understanding of its value, by means of more auctions in large cities in the county.

2016的华宁古陶艺术展暨古陶交易会被称赞为“县级的展览,国家级的水平”,活动的发起人是宁陶坊创始人、汪氏第28 代传人汪大为。作为发起人,他希望通过拍卖会的方式让更多人了解并认可华宁陶的价值,以后不仅要在本地拍,还要去全国各大城市拍,以此叫响华宁陶品牌,促进华宁制陶业发展。


Paintings and calligraphy of monk Dandang



       Tang Tai was born in 1593 AD in Jinning County, Yunnan, and took the name Monk Dandang after his conversion to Buddhism. He passed away on Jizu Mountain in Dali, where his remains rest in a stupa behind Gantong Temple.

       In Dandang—Revaluation of the Monk and His Arts , Li Weiqing summarizes Dandang’s achievements in painting and calligraphy: craftsmanship disguised in simplicity; forethought hidden in a chaos; simple, unobtrusive design concisely integrating form and spirit; and deeper significance underpinning and transcending the apparently casual composition.

       担当,云南晋宁人,生于明万历二十一年(公元1593 年),俗姓唐,名泰,自号“担当”。圆寂归化于大理鸡足山的顶峰,其骨塔在感通寺后。



Stories from ConfuciusInstitutes


In 2004, the first Confucius Institute in the world was established in Seoul, South Korea. Today, this cultural exchange organization for promoting Chinese Mandarin language and disseminating Chinese culture throughout the world is 12 years old already. According to the Chinese zodiac, the Confucius Institute has gone through a cycle of 12 years, during which 511 Confucius Institutes and 1073 Confucius Classrooms have been founded in 140 countries of the world, involving 2.1 million students, and entertaining 13 million people through the cultural activities.

2004 年,全球首家孔子学院在韩国首尔设立,如今,这个在全世界推广汉语和传播中国文化与国学教育的文化交流机构已经12 岁了。如果按照中国的生肖来算,孔子学院已经走过了一个“轮回”。在这个“轮回”里,全球140 个国家建立了511 所孔子学院和1073个中小学孔子课堂,各类学员210 万人,举办的文化活动受众1300万人。


Kasa Tibetan Sword: Legend of the snowland


       During manufacturing, the quality of the cutting edge of Tibetan swords is strictly controlled, and their usability is entirely dependent on this edge. This quality depends on the liquids used for quenching: for most Tibetan swords, muddy water, butter, antelope blood and cherry plum are used to improve quality. But Kasa Tibetan Swords have a unique quenching method: they are usually quenched in snow, to produce a more hardened andductile blade, with a sharper edge.


FOOD | 美食

Yi people’s “Tuotuo” Meat


Qiesa Buha, 48, from Lijiang City of Ninglang YiAutonomous County, has been making Tuotuo Meat for 30 years. He can tell if it’s good or not with the first bite: “Fat mutton makes perfect Tuotuo meat, but fat pork tastes too greasy. If you want to make Tuotuo from chicken, the meat must be flaky and dense.” In the Xiaoliang, Wumeng and Daxue Mountains, Tuotuo meat made mainly from pork, chicken and mutton—is a major food for the Yi People, and a daily delicacy for Qiesa Buha’s family.

丽江宁蒗彝族自治县48 岁的且萨补哈,做坨坨肉已经30 年了,坨坨肉的好坏,他一尝便知。“羊肉做成的坨坨肉越肥越好吃,但猪肉肥了反而难以入口,鸡肉要口感脆,肉质紧的。”在大小凉山、乌蒙山、大雪山一带,坨坨肉是彝家主要的食物之一,猪、鸡、羊是制作坨坨肉的主要肉类。在且萨补哈家,坨坨肉更是每天必吃的美味。

